Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un made an agreement. Russia and North Korea will help each other if either country is attacked. Putin announced this after meeting with Kim in Pyongyang. This was Putin’s first visit since 2000. 

Kim said their relationship is now a strong alliance. Their agreement makes Russia and North Korea close partners. Some people are worried about this partnership. It could impact the whole world.

The agreement says Russia and North Korea will defend each other. Russia may help North Korea if there is a war in Korea. North Korea may help Russia in the war with Ukraine.

Some people say North Korea is giving weapons to Russia. Some people say Russia is giving missile technology to North Korea. Putin and Kim last met in September.

On Wednesday, they signed an agreement. It says they will help each other if either country is attacked. Putin did not explain what counts as an attack.

Putin is having problems in the Ukraine war. He is running out of weapons. Putin and Kim met in September. They talked about military cooperation. Some people think they made a deal for weapons.

There is evidence that Russia is using North Korean missiles in Ukraine. A few weeks ago, the U.S. and NATO said Ukraine can use Western weapons in Russia. This could help Ukraine in the war.

Putin warned there would be consequences. He said he may give long-range weapons to Western adversaries. North Korea has been developing these weapons.

On Wednesday, Putin criticized the West’s decision. He said it violates international rules.

Putin is angry about Western sanctions on Russia and North Korea. He says they don’t accept bullying. They will keep fighting against the West’s use of sanctions. Putin thinks the West uses sanctions to stay powerful.

Kim said the new agreement is very important. He thinks it’s a big moment in their relationship. Kim also said he fully supports Russia in its war with Ukraine.

The agreement will likely make South Korea angry. They warned Russia not to get too close to North Korea.

A South Korean official told Russia to think about which Korea will be more important after the Ukraine war.

Rachel Lee, an expert, says this agreement is very important. It could affect the whole world.

Russia might help North Korea if there’s a war with South Korea. If North Korea keeps giving weapons to Russia, and Russia gives North Korea new military technology, it could cause big problems. More dangerous weapons might spread around the world.

An expert says the deal might let North Korea help Russia in Ukraine. This could include sending soldiers.

Putin arrived in North Korea very late at night. Kim greeted him warmly. There was a big welcome with a red carpet.

Putin stayed in the same place where the Chinese president once stayed. North Korean TV showed the city full of lights. This is unusual because North Korea often has power shortages.

Later, there was a big welcome ceremony. It was very carefully planned. It showed a lot of North Korean propaganda. Many thousands of people were there. Many were probably told to come.

Putin’s car drove through Pyongyang. Many people lined the streets. They waved Russian flags and flowers. They cheered for Putin and for Russia-North Korea friendship.

In a big square, a crowd waited for Putin. They wore red and blue, the colors of Russia and North Korea. When Putin arrived, they cheered and let go of balloons.

Small children in white clothes greeted Putin. White means purity in North Korea.

Putin and Kim walked past soldiers on white horses. This reminds people of Kim’s grandfather, who was said to ride a white horse.

They watched soldiers march. Behind them were big pictures of Putin and Kim on a building.

Putin went to a big concert and dinner. The food was fancy, like cod shaped like a flower and Korean noodles.

Putin left for Vietnam late Wednesday. Before he left, he and Kim exchanged gifts.

Putin gave Kim a luxury car and took him for a ride. He also gave Kim a special knife and a tea set. Kim gave Putin some art with Putin’s picture on it.

Putin last visited North Korea in 2000. He met Kim’s father then.

Now, North Korea’s economy is very bad because of sanctions. People think Kim asked Putin for help with food, fuel, money, and technology.

In the past, Russia helped North Korea’s leaders a lot.

When Kim visited Russia last year, Putin said he would help North Korea make satellites. North Korea’s satellites often fail. The US thinks these satellites help North Korea make better missiles.

Both leaders can get other benefits from this friendship.

They want to make new friends who don’t follow US rules. This helps them deal with sanctions.

Russia, China, and other countries want a world with many powerful countries. They don’t want the US and its friends to be the only powerful ones.

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